On the Road with Stoles

I am busy packing to go to the UCC General Synod in Long Beach, California.  For the first time, I will have a booth in the Exhibit area .. booth #461.


It’s a really interesting process to be part of an exhibit area in a big convention center.  I have learned about packing and shipping, arranging for electricity and signs for the booth,and getting a California tax number (yes, you will be paying sales tax in California).  [For those of you who don’t know, there is no sales tax on clothing in Minnesota, and clergy vestments are considered clothing.]

I met my goal of making 100 stoles for the booth.  Which means (for those who are interested), 66 yards of interfacing, nearly 2 km of beige thread (for most of the sewing), 50 yards of rayon fringe, 75 yards of beautiful fabric, and more hours than I am willing to confess!

See you in Long Beach — and tell your friends!

Welcome to (and from) Woman of the Cloth

I am twice a woman of the cloth –I am both a quilt maker and an ordained minister (in the United Church of Christ).

I’ll be writing here about both of my vocations — you can follow my posts about fabric and quilts, or you can follow the ones about faith and spirit.  Actually — I hope you will read both of them!